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Quick Overview

Multi purpose strong reinforced tags available in manilla or a range of colours.

  • Choice of colours

  • Also available in different sizes

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Availability: In stock

Code Product Name - (Hover for price) Quantity
11S01 No001 (Jewellery) - White Swing Tags
1,000  £14.30 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x1,000
9,000  £108.90 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x9,000
18,000  £181.80 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x18,000
11S21 No21 (15x24) - White Swing Tags
1,000  £14.80 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x1,000
9,000  £113.40 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x9,000
18,000  £187.20 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x18,000
11S22 No22 (18x27) - White Swing Tags
1,000  £15.00 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x1,000
9,000  £115.20 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x9,000
18,000  £192.60 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x18,000
11S23 No23 (22x32) - White Swing Tags
1,000  £15.50 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x1,000
9,000  £118.80 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x9,000
18,000  £196.20 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x18,000
11S24 No24 (24x37) - White Swing Tags
1,000  £17.20 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x1,000
8,000  £116.80 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x8,000
16,000  £195.20 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x16,000
11S25 No25 (27x42) - White Swing Tags
1,000  £20.40 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x1,000
7,000  £123.20 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x7,000
14,000  £204.40 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x14,000
11S27 No27 (35x54) - White Swing Tags
1,000  £19.70 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x1,000
7,000  £119.00 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x7,000
14,000  £198.80 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x14,000
11SC9 SC9 - (Stock print) White Unstrung Tags
1,000  £12.70 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x1,000
10,000  £107.00 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x10,000
20,000  £178.00 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x20,000
11B00 No0 (54x28) - Buff Strung Swing Tags
1,000  £29.50 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x1,000
5,000  £129.00 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x5,000
10,000  £215.00 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x10,000
11B01 No1 (70x35) - Buff Strung Swing Tags
1,000  £30.80 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x1,000
4,000  £107.60 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x4,000
8,000  £178.40 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x8,000
11B02 No2 (83x41) - Buff Strung Swing Tags
1,000  £32.40 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x1,000
4,000  £112.80 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x4,000
8,000  £188.00 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x8,000
11B03 No3 (96x48) - Buff Strung Swing Tags
1,000  £33.70 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x1,000
4,000  £118.00 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x4,000
8,000  £196.00 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x8,000
11B04 No4 (108x54) - Buff Strung Swing Tags
1,000  £36.50 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x1,000
4,000  £127.60 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x4,000
8,000  £212.00 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x8,000
11B05 No5 (120x60) - Buff Strung Swing Tags
1,000  £40.30 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x1,000
4,000  £141.60 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x4,000
8,000  £235.20 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x8,000
11B4P R10 - Repair Print Swing Tags
1,000  £42.60 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x1,000
3,000  £112.20 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x3,000
6,000  £186.60 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x6,000
11C05R No5 (120x60) - Red Stung Swing Tags
250  £13.53 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x250
2,500  £115.25 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x2,500
5,000  £191.50 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x5,000
11SWN Sale Was/Now Unstrung Tags
1,000  £34.30 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x1,000
4,000  £120.40 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x4,000
8,000  £200.00 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x8,000
11B06U No6 (134x67) - Buff Unstrung Swing Tags
1,000  £49.70 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x1,000
3,000  £131.10 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x3,000
6,000  £218.40 @ £0.00 /   
-+ x6,000



Order Code  Description  Dimensions (mm)  Pack Quantity
11C05G  Green strung tags  120 x 60  250
11C05R  Red strung tags  120 x 60  250
11C05B  Blue strung tags  120 x 60  250
11C05Y  Yellow strung tags  120 x 60  250
11C05W  White strung tags  120 x 60  250
11C05P  Pink strung tags  120 x 60  250

Either strung...                        or unstrung.                               

Order Code  Description  Dimensions (mm)  Pack Quantity
11B00  No0 - Manilla tags - strung  54 x 28  1000
11B01  No1 - Manilla tags - strung  70 x 35  1000
11B02  No2 - Manilla tags - strung  83 x 41  1000
11B03  No3 - Manilla tags - strung  96 x 48  1000
11B04  No4 - Manilla tags - strung  108 x 54  1000
11B05  No5 - Manilla tags - strung  120 x 60  1000
11B04U Manilla tags - unstrung 120 x 60 1000

Order Code  Description  Dimensions (mm)  Pack Quantity
11S21  No 21 White swing tags - Strung 15 x 24 1000
11S22  No 22 White swing tags - Strung 18 x 27 1000
11S23 No 23 White swing tags - Unstrung 22 x 32 1000
11S24  No 24 White swing tags - Strung 24 x 37 1000
11S25 No 25 White swing tags - Strung 27 x 42 1000
11S27  No 27 White swing tags - Strung 35 x 54 1000

Order Code  Description  Dimensions (mm)  Pack Quantity
11S3R No 23C Red swing tags - Strung 22 x 32 1000
11S3B No 23C Blue swing tags - Strung 22 x 32 1000
11S3G No 23C Green swing tags - Strung 22 x 32 1000

Order Code  Description  Dimensions (mm)  Pack Quantity
11S01 No001 White swing tags - (Jewellery) 6 x 22 1,000

Additional Information

Additional Information

Product Code 11S
Length (mm) 0.0000
Width (mm) 0.0000
Height (mm) 0.0000
Thickness (mu) No
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