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Gloves - hand protection

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Quick Overview

A wide range of gloves are available from disposable latex gloves to heavy duty rigger gloves and specialist gloves such as thermal gloves to protect against extreme temperatures or for handling of sensitive electrical components.
For full specifications, please call our customer services team who will be happy to advise you.

Size                       Prefix
7 / Small / Ladies  SM
8 / Medium            ME
9 / Large / Mens    LA
10 / Extra Large    XL
*add prefix of size to code when

Availability: In stock

Code Product Name - (Hover for price) Quantity
Blank Blank



A wide range of gloves are available from disposable latex gloves to heavy duty rigger gloves and specialist gloves such as thermal gloves to protect against extreme temperatures or for handling of sensitive electrical components. 
For full specifications, please call our customer services team who will be happy to advise you.
Size                       Prefix
7 / Small / Ladies  SM
8 / Medium            ME
9 / Large / Mens    LA
10 / Extra Large    XL
*add prefix of size to code when

Disposable Latex
powderfree gloves

Code  25LF*
Description  Latex powderfree gloves
Sizes  S,M,L
Category  Disposable glove
Pack quantity  100
Outer quantity  1000


Code  25M*
Description  Marigold gloves
Sizes  M,L
Category  Janitorial
Pack quantity  12 pairs
Outer quantity  144 pairs


Code  25S*
Description  Stockinette Gloves
Sizes  S,L
Category  General handling - traditional
Pack quantity  12 pairs
Outer quantity  144 pairs

Yellow criss-cross

Code  25VYC
Description  Yellow criss-cross gloves
Sizes  Men's
Category  General handling - traditional
Pack quantity  12 pairs
Outer quantity  144 pairs

Cotton microdotted

Code  25CMD*
Description  Cotton micro-dotted gloves
Sizes  M,L
Category  General handling - traditional
Pack quantity  12 pairs
Outer quantity  240 pairs

Latex coated

knitwrist glove -

Code  25LC*
Description  Latex coated knitwrist glove - Orange/Green
Sizes  M,L,ExL
Category  General handling - heavy duty
Pack quantity  10 pairs
Outer quantity  120 pairs

Perfect fit gloves high dexterity - black

Code  25PFBK*
Description  Perfect fit gloves high
  dexterity - black
Sizes  S,M,L,ExL
Category  General handling - light duty
Pack quantity  10 pairs
Outer quantity  100 pairs

Perfect fit

gloves high
dexterity -

Code  25PFW*
Description  Perfect fit gloves high
  dexterity - white
Sizes  S,M,L,ExL
Category  General handling - light duty
Pack quantity  10 pairs
Outer quantity  100 pairs

Economy rigger gloves

Code  25VRG
Description  Economy rigger gloves
Sizes  Men's
Category  General handling - traditional
Pack quantity  10 pairs
Outer quantity  120 pairs

Premium rigger gloves
with fleece palm liner

Code  25VRGP
Description  Premium rigger gloves with fleece palm liner
Sizes  Men's
Category  General handling - traditional
Pack quantity  10 pairs
Outer quantity  120 pairs

Mens fingerless

thermal gloves

Code  25FLG
Description  Mens fingerless thermal gloves
Sizes  Men's
Category  General handling - traditional
Pack quantity  10 pairs
Outer quantity  120 pairs

Latex dipped thermal gloves

Code  25VDK
Description  Latex dipped thermal gloves
Sizes  Mens
Category  Cold protection
Pack quantity  10 pairs
Outer quantity  120 pairs

NB: Heat, chemical and cut resistant gloves available upon request.

Additional Information

Additional Information

Product Code Gloves
Length (mm) No
Width (mm) No
Height (mm) No
Thickness (mu) No
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